Sunday, December 19, 2010

Figuring out the couch and the cats

Lanie isn't sure what to make of some things- like couches. She's been trying to figure out how to get up on the couch like Stevie does all week without success.  She could get three legs up but how to get that fourth one up there just wasn't making any sense to her. This morning she finally figured it out! She pranced happily around on the cushions for a bit...and then I had to show her how to get down ;).

Lanie also had her first Baltimore snow fall. She raced around in it and wanted to play. That gave me ample opportunity to get more pics of her awesome underbite!

Lanie discovered that cats can be approached from behind for sniffing and greeting but she still won't approach them if they are looking at her. She'll run around the house with them until one of them actually looks right at her- then it's Game Over. Same effect with a house rabbit - very timid sniffing as long as they don't look her in the eye or she'll retreat to a safe distance. Apparently there's a staring range she feels the need to stay outside of~!

Overall she continues to be a big sweetheart - gets along with everyone, very calm, likes to play but not in a rowdy way, and loves to go for walks and hang out with people. She still hasn't barked, though she worked herself up to a soft "Ruuurhhhh" when the neighbor's yorkies were at the fence barking at her. She greeted them with a happily wagging tail and big grin despite their fierceness :).

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